Let’s Go Chaining for IVs and Shiny Pokemon

3 minute read

Let’s Go Chaining!

One of the most notable features in Let’s Go is the ability to chain Pokemon for better IVs and higher chance of encountering a shiny. Since there is no breeding this will be the only way to obtain those perfect competitive Pokemon!

What is chaining?

For each Pokemon of a species you capture in a row, the chain for that Pokemon will increase. For best results you will want to aim for catching at least 31 of the same species in a row. However, do not feel daunted by that number, chaining is now easier than ever!

What can break a chain?

  • Catching another species that is not the one you are chaining. Evolutions/pre-evolutions are counted as different species for this.
  • Target species or other species running away.
  • Turning the game off (suspending the game keeps the chain).

That’s it!

What will not break a chain?

  • Encountering any Pokemon and running away (even your target species).
  • Leaving the area and returning. (Can stock back up on Pokeballs if run out!)
  • Battling trainers.
  • Leaving the area and continuing the chain elsewhere.
  • Catching Pokemon from Go Park and then leaving to chain the same species elsewhere also does not break a chain.

Benefits of chaining


Chain # # of 31 IVs
0-10 0
11-20 2
21-30 3
31+ 4

The # of 31 IVs column refers to the number of IVs that will be 31. This means after reaching a chain of 31 the species you are chaining for will always have 4IVs that are 31. It is possible to obtain 5 or even 6IVs this way.

Shiny Rates

Chain # Shiny Rate With Shiny Charm
0-10 1/4096 1/1365.3
11-20 1/1024 1/682.6
21-30 1/512 1/409.6
31+ 1/341.3 1/292.57

Candies and Catch Bonuses

The more of a Pokemon you catch in total the more candies you will receive. Even if the chain breaks, you will still receive more candies the more you have caught in total. This makes farming for candies easier while chaining for IVs and shiny Pokemon.

The same goes for catching Pokemon. The more of a species you have caught in total, the easier it becomes to catch that species. This makes it easier to catch that shiny when it does show up.


Not only do Lures increase the number of Pokemon that spawn, they also increase the shiny rates while in effect.

Chain # Shiny Rate with Lure with Shiny Charm also
0-10 1/2048 1/1024
11-20 1/819.2 1/585.14
21-30 1/455.1 1/372.36
31+ 1/315.08 1/273.07

Optimal Chaining

Visit Madame Celadon in Celadon City Pokecenter to set the nature you want. All Pokemon encountered afterwards will have the nature of your choosing.

Use Lures as often as possible. These increase the amount of Pokemon that spawn and really help with those hard to find Pokemon.

Note: Lures can be purchased after obtaining the second gym badge from the Pokemart.

If using Lures move as little as possible. This is because Lures last for a certain amount of steps, so the more you move the more Lures you will use.

If you accidentally run into a different species than the one you’re chaining, don’t worry, running away will not break the chain.

Once you reach a chain of 31 the odds have been maxed out. You can choose to either continue catching for candies and exp, or run away from all future encounters.

Encountering and running away is faster than waiting for Pokemon to despawn on their own.

Leaving the area to go to a Pokemart to buy more Pokeballs or Lures will not break the chain either.

When in the capture screen you can see what chain number you are on in the upper left.


Updated 11/21 with new info

This information may change as more is discovered. The above is everything that has been discovered so far but there is still much more to learn.
